What Is BHRT?: How Bioidentical Hormones in West Bloomfield Work

Perhaps you’ve gone through or heard of hormone replacement therapy, or HRT. Bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT), also known as natural hormone therapy, refers to the use of artificially created hormones that are identically built to match those that your body produces. 

Hormones play a significant role in the health of men and women of all ages, and imbalance can affect everything from your mood to your weight. The providers at Forum Health have diligently studied the hormonal relation to metabolism changes, and have combined bioidentical hormones in West Bloomfield with well established obesity medicine!

With age, hormones such as testosterone, thyroid, and growth hormones can slow in production, leading to a loss in energy that displays itself in many negative ways. 

Here’s a rundown on BHRT from our experienced specialists.

What do hormones do?

Your body naturally produces hormones which travel through your bloodstream. These cells serve as messengers traveling to glands throughout your body, telling it to release certain chemicals as a response. 

However, whenever someone is experiencing a bodily change, such as puberty, pregnancy, or menopause, or a negative lifestyle change like increased stress, these hormones can become imbalanced. Having too much or too little of a certain hormone means that your body can not respond correctly.

What are bioidentical hormones?

Although bioidentical hormones are not the only man-made hormone, they are the closest to the real thing. Lab technicians utilize components of plants such as soybeans and wild yams to mimic natural hormones’ build. Because of this similarity, your body absorbs the compound’s nutrients into your blood and uses these man-made hormones in the same way. 

While some people hear this and think that eating a handful of soybeans a day will cure their problems, many hormone imbalances are caused by minor changes in production levels. This means that dosage is important to regulate and continuously monitor. 

What do bioidentical hormones in West Bloomfield treat?

When your hormones go unbalanced, daily life continues to grow more draining. Types of bioidentical hormones in West Bloomfield include estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. 

Different types of hormonal imbalances result in varying symptoms. For example, thyroid imbalances may result in sluggishness and hair loss, while a testosterone imbalance may cause low energy levels and moodiness. 

While every patient is different, here is a list of the most common symptoms of a hormonal imbalance:

  • Unexplained weight fluctuation
  • Changes in appetite
  • Increased mood swings
  • Fatigue and lack of motivation
  • Muscle pains, weakness, and stiffness
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Irregular periods
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Increased urination
  • Thinning hair 
  • Memory fog
  • Overactive or underactive thyroid gland
  • Dry skin and rashes
  • Unexplained changes in heart rate or blood pressure

In addition to addressing these symptoms, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can also reduce your risk of developing diabetes, tooth loss, and cataracts

Types of hormone replacement therapy

  • DHEA: Precursor to sex hormones produced in the adrenal gland that breaks down fat and reduces stress on the immune system
  • Estrogen: A hormone secreted in the ovaries, which stops during menopause, that regulates body temperature, mood, libido, memory, and more
  • Growth hormone: An anabolic hormone that helps build the body during puberty and produces mood-calming neurons
  • Melatonin: Created in the pineal gland to offer body rejuvenation and maintain your sleep cycle
  • Oxytocin: A nonapeptide that releases during sexual arousal, maternal behavior, and social behaviors
  • Pregnenolone: Aids central nervous system and repair; begins to decline in your 30s
  • Progesterone: Secreted by the ovaries before menopause to protect the female reproductive systems and offer relief for pain during her cycle
  • Testosterone: Normally associated with men but also found in women, this hormone contributes to strength, endurance, and libido
  • Thyroid: Glands responsible for the T4 hormone, controlling temperature, metabolism, and cholesterol

How is BHRT different from HRT?

The hormones used in traditional hormone therapy are made from the urine of pregnant horses and other synthetic hormones. In contrast, bioidentical hormones are identical to human hormones on a molecular level, and are therefore perceived as the same thing by your body. 

While both are technically man-made, traditional options consist of synthetic ingredients while bioidentical options use plant-based compounds. An example of traditional synthetic hormones you may take, or at least have heard of, is birth control pills

Bioidentical hormones in West Bloomfield are available in a range of forms, from prescribed pills to in-office injections. 

Are bioidentical hormones safe?

Hormone replacement therapy was first marketed to relieve womens’ menopausal symptoms in the 1940s. As the estrogen-based synthetic treatment continued to grow in popularity, women also noticed additional aesthetic benefits. 

Despite common misconceptions based on a study that does not differentiate types of hormone replacement therapies, healthcare providers continue to show success in improving patients’ overall quality of life through addressing common symptoms and preventing future health problems. 

Studies have also suggested that bioidentical progesterone does not have the negative effect on blood lipids or vasculature that many synthetic options do. This continued effectiveness for managing the hormonal changes that come with aging, especially menopause, suggests that bioidentical hormone therapy may be safer and more effective than synthetic treatments. 

What to expect

So, what makes hormone optimization in West Bloomfield effective? Our scientifically-backed treatment options are completely tailored to your concerns, so the dosage and frequency will differ, even among patients going through the same treatment. 

Before treatment

We begin with nailing down aspects of your health, wellness, or vitality that you want to improve. After setting your goals, a technician will perform a range of tests to establish your current hormone levels. You can get your full-panel blood work done at any of our office locations (Clarkston, Novi, Rochester/Troy, Shelby Township and West Bloomfield) or any Lab Corp in the country. 

The turnaround time is typically a few days. From there, you’ll discuss your blood test results with one of our extensively trained physician assistants. After discussing your medical history, we’ll create a plan to optimize your hormone levels so you can start living the life you want.

During treatment 

Our office or FDA-approved pharmacy will ship your prescription right to your door! We never prescribe or recommend the use of synthetic hormones. No matter which hormone replacement therapy option you go with, our experts are available to answer your questions throughout your treatment phase. 

After treatment

The benefits of bioidentical hormones in West Bloomfield are extensive, both mentally and physically! While you may start to experience improvement in your symptoms around 2 weeks after you begin BHRT, you will experience the full results after about 2 months.  

We request that you return to our office for a follow-up appointment 6 weeks after the date of your first treatment to compare your bloodwork. From there, we ask that you return every 6 months, and then yearly. This helps us not only to ensure that your hormone levels are in the optimal range, but that you are still feeling your best and ensure we do not need to change your dosage.

What patients are saying

Hear from some of Forum Health patients on their experiences with bioidentical hormones in West Bloomfield.

“Forum Health has helped me a great deal. I have been struggling with a thyroid issue for 7+ years. Dealing with my family doctor all of that time, not managing it properly and feeling sub-par. In a matter of 8 weeks, they have helped balance my hormones to an optimal level where my sluggishness, depression, constant aches and pains have diminished tremendously. I am approaching 50 and starting to feel more like 40 again” – Scott R.

“I was struggling with weight loss and felt that I was not getting anywhere, due to possible hormonal imbalances. The team at Forum Health  are most helpful—their hormone treatments have helped me lose over twenty pounds! I have regained energy and overcome sleep problems, as well!” – Carol M.

Experience the rejuvenating powers of bioidentical hormones in West Bloomfield at Forum Health!

Ready to rediscover the healthy, upbeat version of yourself you’ve been missing? Forum Health’s team of medical professionals is proud to offer a wide range of hormone therapy treatment options, including bioidentical hormones in West Bloomfield. 

We always address each patient with personalized care, helping you narrow down your goals and creating customized treatment plans to maximize your results. Our compassionate staff is focused on making you feel comfortable throughout your visit while maximizing your overall health.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!


